Friday, 13 May 2011

what i think.

guys. wear that thingy called braces,also spectacles,and plain t-shirt. play guitar for an extra. take this seriously. and not to wear any accessories such as necklace or bracelet. you guys are not born to wear that stuff. and also use perfume. when you are smelly,that cute face just don't worth it honey. wear converse. sandals are all right but that thingy did not buy you an attention. the truth. and never ever show off your boxer.big no is not hot,sweetheart. it is ewwwwwww. never wear leather skinny if you are curvy. i am not saying fat. it is just they are belong to the same group. don't use gel or wax to your hair. messy will be just fine. another big no no. don't wear sleeveless shirt. you will look like a body builder then. and no one get attracted to body builder. not to wear big big big belt. you are not models. with hoodie,you will look awesome. follow my tips,guys then i am yours. haha. kidding. :)

cute :)

this young boy is so cute. his name is alex. and he is 13. yeah yeah i know he is young. but his cuteness cant stop some of his photos.

see? more :)

okay. this one when he was. i dont know but small.

 more more more :)

this is my fav :) cause we have the same phone! *i use my dad's phone act =..='

 whatever guys but he is cute :)

Friday, 6 May 2011

pffft! =..='

i hate it when people talk bad about me behind my back. man,i wish i can just punch that maniac on their face! and you dont have to pretend like you have nothing to do with all this mess. if you are really that tough,you would say it in front of my face. if you dare. but i guess you are such a coward. i know you have no confidence of telling people the truth. but how come you have the confidence to tell people about other people's mistakes? i have done my research and i found out that you are a fake! you are tottaly made in china. confirmed! now,serious talking. stop talking bad about me and spread rumours about my friends and i. shoo shoo,sissy! gracias! :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

touched! :')

i just finished read one of my friend's blog. she wrote about friendship. this makes me realise how important friendship are in our life. without our friends,we are nothing. i am not saying that when we have no friends,we will turn to dust or something. its just that we will never learn the value of life. as we can see friendship teach us a lot of things that we cannot learn by reading textbooks or listen to song. if we really want to know what friendship is all about,we have to experience them by ourselves. there are differences between friends and bestfriends. but who cares? they are still our friends. those people are people who can accept us for who we are. unless there are some people who are pretend to be someone else in front of their friends. for example,pretend to be rich. pretend to be nice. pretend to be anything laaa. that is awful. remember,F and F. family and friends :)

Sunday, 1 May 2011


there is nothing special about this sem break. i am sure it is going to be a very very boring month. and,i am sooooo sad because i will never had a chance to meet my K.A. cause last sem would be his final year. okay. this is sad. :( but thats okay. i will find someone new. i am sure.haha * perei*

Saturday, 23 April 2011

i just hate it =..='

while i was on my facebook. there was a girl who suddenly chatted with me and asked me if i am a real lesbian. hello? i am straight,okay? yeah. i am close to my biya (my younger sister) and my other cousins. we are extremely close and people might think that we are lesbian. what if i am a real lesbo? you wanna try me? naaaaaahhhh. gracias. if i am a lesbo,i'll find someone hotter than you. p/s: i love guys. gracias. : )

when i get bored : )

                                            when i am bored,this is what i do.its me and my biya : )

Thursday, 21 April 2011

its been ages!

its been ages i did not update my blog. a looooottttt of things happen. mixed feeling. pfft! the sad thing is that my mum. she is sick. i really really hope that she will be just fine. cause i love her. i will do anything for her. but i know that my mum is strong. extremely strong. and i know that ALLAH have a better plan for her and also for my family. and i do believe in things happened for a reason. love yaa,mummy! : )

Friday, 1 April 2011

drama! : )

it is worth it. we won the drama competition. first place yawwww. we also won the best actress,the best script writter and the best props. finally. alhamdulillah. we know we can do it. thanks to all who involve in this drama production. and thank you to our beloved lecturer DR NORSEHA UNIN! thank you so much doctor cause without you,we know we cant make it. love yaaaa : )

Saturday, 26 March 2011

justin bieber : )

looks like i am in love with justin bieber. watch out justin's haters out there. i am here to protect you,jb. i have no idea how and why would i choose justin. but i think it is because of his hair. haha. his new hair is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! but maybe because of his talent. he is talented. for real! : )

Friday, 25 March 2011

capital k and capital a : )

oh my god! i adore this guy soooooo much. he is cute. he have a car. he is a senior. okay. enough. but i do adore him.  he is cute. looks like im gonna say that over and over and over again. btw,he is cute. haha : )

what a week! =..='

its been a very very very busy week for me. i have a lot of exams,assignments and tutorials. but i can do it! and its left me only 3 weeks approach to final. what the effff? final? okay. no time for you to play,esya. study! revise! study! revise! pffffffttttttt!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

exams =..='

okay.nobody enjoy having an an week gonna be a very very busy week.i have chemistry test,mathematics quiz,biology quiz and mathematics,on saturday i join larian sure next week im gonna be a zombie.pffft! =..=''

Friday, 11 March 2011

funny facts about me : )

1. i don't believe in motivational books
2. i don't have childhood friends cause my family and i travel a lot when i was a child
3. i kill bugs without any fear.
4. i trust people easily.
5. i forgive people easily.
6. i hate being bored.
7. i am talkative only with people i close to.
8. i am aiming for rich guy.
9. i love green.
10. i have no favourite bands,singers or actors.

just wanna know : )

why do people hate justin bieber so much?i just don't get it.he is talented,cute and nice.and for a record,i love him.i love his works,his songs and even his hair!just stop it guys.besides,he achieved a lot before.and even work with guys?those who talk bad things about him?nothing!n to the o to the t to the h to the i to the n to the g!period!besides,i am not saying this because i am one of his fans.i am not really his huge fan.but i am not also one of his haters.i am just saying this to stop all craps people had been talk about him.


lady,seriously you need to stop!stop saying you are in love.yeah.we got are in love.with a lot of guys everyday.go get yourself a blog or something.before i do anything extreme.just stop!okay okay.the limelight is all,we really really need a rest.from you!no stress. : )

esyaesyaesyaesyaesyaesya : )

i am esya.and i am strong!okay.i talk nonsense.ignore me!just wanna say i miss my biya.okay.biya.she is my sister!my only one sister.and i love her!it is actually the first time for me to say this out loud!i miss you biya! : )

Saturday, 5 March 2011

im short : (

                                                    i am short!!!!!!!!!!

i am nineteen this year.but i am still short.and its like ouchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! : /

me,again! gonna say this out loud.STOP POSTING ABOUT YOUR LOVE news feed are full with them.we all know you have a boyfriend.but you dont have to tell strangers about it,right?one more,you are acting like one of the unmatured change your boyfriend every week.again,every week!you are not megan fox.she is hot.she deserves it.but you?,last warning.stop! : )

introducing *drum lines ESYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay.introduction.i am esyaaaaaa!!its me,up there.okay.from now on,i am gonna talk about everything here.soo..,be ready!just ignore my grammar.i know they are sucks.but i still wanna post in english : )