Saturday, 23 April 2011

i just hate it =..='

while i was on my facebook. there was a girl who suddenly chatted with me and asked me if i am a real lesbian. hello? i am straight,okay? yeah. i am close to my biya (my younger sister) and my other cousins. we are extremely close and people might think that we are lesbian. what if i am a real lesbo? you wanna try me? naaaaaahhhh. gracias. if i am a lesbo,i'll find someone hotter than you. p/s: i love guys. gracias. : )

when i get bored : )

                                            when i am bored,this is what i do.its me and my biya : )

Thursday, 21 April 2011

its been ages!

its been ages i did not update my blog. a looooottttt of things happen. mixed feeling. pfft! the sad thing is that my mum. she is sick. i really really hope that she will be just fine. cause i love her. i will do anything for her. but i know that my mum is strong. extremely strong. and i know that ALLAH have a better plan for her and also for my family. and i do believe in things happened for a reason. love yaa,mummy! : )

Friday, 1 April 2011

drama! : )

it is worth it. we won the drama competition. first place yawwww. we also won the best actress,the best script writter and the best props. finally. alhamdulillah. we know we can do it. thanks to all who involve in this drama production. and thank you to our beloved lecturer DR NORSEHA UNIN! thank you so much doctor cause without you,we know we cant make it. love yaaaa : )